How to Activate the Value Flywheel Effect with Your Data

In today’s hyper-competitive world, businesses no longer rely solely on gut decisions or intuition; they depend on data-driven insights to stay agile and make fast, smart decisions. However, data alone isn’t the answer; it’s the enabler to create momentum on a business & technology flywheel: a model where data drives decisions, decisions drive actions, and those actions drive value, propelling the business forward in a self-reinforcing cycle. In a previous post, I used a model to explain how data could cross the borders of applications and domains to bring increasing value at the organizational level.

The Future of Data Management: An Enabler of AI Development? A Basic Illustration with RAG, Open Standards, and Data Contracts

Context In a recent meetup I organized in my hometown of Lille, I had the pleasure of hosting Jean-Georges Perrin, who provided a comprehensive introduction to data contracts. As a geek, I felt compelled to test this concept to fully grasp its practical implications. The goal of this article is to demonstrate how data contracts can be applied to and add value within a small ecosystem facing cross-domain challenges. To illustrate, I will use my personal experience in the fields I work in, which can be categorized into two separate domains:

Exploring exaptations in engineering practices within a RAG-Based application

In this article, I delve into the concept of RAG, aiming to write a RAG nearly from scratch to view it as a pure engineering problem. Learning by doing from scratch will help me eventually discover a kind of exaptation that can guide my decisions as an engineer and clarify any points of confusion I have in understanding the system. I used information from an article in Go because I am fluent in that language. I will write a step-by-step method to create a simple (though not efficient or effective) RAG, noting discoveries that may be useful for my work as a consultant and engineer.