SPA with Gopherjs

Introduction Single page application (SPA) are a standard when dealing with mobile apps. Unfortunately, by now, JavaScript is the only programming language supported by a browser. Therefore, to code web UI it remains a must. Life of an ex sysadmin who wants to code a web app: getting depressed To make the development easier, your friend, who is “web developer” will recommend you to use a marvelous framework. Depending on the orientation of the wind, the moon or its reading, he will encourage you to use reactjs, angular, ember or whatever exotic tool.

HTTP over UDT for inter-region file transfer

Introduction Transferring files between server is no big deal with nowadays network equipments. You use rsync, scp or even http to get a file from A to B. Of course, you rely on the TCP stack so you have a decent reliability in the transport. But TCP has its drawback, especially when it needs to go through a lot of equipments. Typically in the cloud, or over a VPN. To prevent the drawbacks of the TCP protocol, there are several solutions:

Processing CSV files with golang, python and perl

Introduction System engineers are used to CSV files. They may be considered as a good bridge between Excel and the CLI. They are also a common way to format the output of a script so data can be exploited easily from command lines tools such as sort , awk,uniq, grep, and so on. The point is that when there is a significant amount of data, parsing it with shell may be painful and extremely slow.

Being a better public speaker with a little help of Speech Recognition, Javascript and Chrome

Introduction I usually don’t like slidewares. Actually as IT engineer working, by now, exclusively in France, I’m facing the PowerPoint problem: Too many boring slides, too much information per slide, a presenter dedicated to read their content. Therefore, the audience is watching its watch while waiting for a coffee break. I won’t redo the introduction I already did in a previous post but indeed slides can, from time to time, be a value-add to a presentation.

Getting weather data from the station to the raspberry

Introduction A bunch of friends/colleagues offered me a raspberry pi 3. It may become my VPN gateway, or my firewall, or the brain of my CCTV, or maybe the center of an alarm…. Maybe a spotify player… Anyway, I have installed raspbian and I’m now playing with it. Yesterday evening, as I was about to go to bed, I’ve had a very bad idea… I’ve linked together my rpi and my Oregon Weather Station.

Websockets, Reveal.js, D3 and GO for a dynamic keynote

the goal As all my peers, I have the opportunity to talk about different technological aspects. As all my peers, I’m asked to present a bunch of slides (powerpoint or keynote, or whatever). In this post I won’t dig into what’s good or not to put in a presentation, and if that’s what interest you, I recommend you to take a look at Garr Reynold’s tips and tricks. Steve Jobs said:

Which solution should I choose? Don't think too much and ask a bot!

Let me tell you a story: the why! A year ago, one of those Sunday morning where spring starts to warm up the souls, I went, as usual to my favorite bakery. The family tradition is to come back with a bunch of “Pains au Chocolat” (which, are, you can trust me, simply excellent). hello sir, I’d like 4 of your excellent “pains au chocolat” please I’m sorry, I don’t have any “pains au chocolat” nor any “croissant” anymore what?