Is there a Markov model hidden in the choreography?

Introduction In my last post I introduced the notion of choreography as a way to deploy an manage application. It could be possible to implement self-healing, elasticity and in a certain extent self awareness. To do so, we must not rely on the certainty and the determinism of the automated tasks. Mark Burgess explains in his book in search of certainty that none should consider the command and control anymore.

Configuration management, choreography and self-aware applications

Thanks to the company I’m working for (Techsys) I’ve had the opportunity to attend the configuration management camp in Gent (be) for its 2016 edition. I really enjoyed those two days of talks, watching people present different ideas of a possible future for the infrastructure and deployment engineering. Beyond the technical demonstrations and the experience sharing, I’ve spotted a bunch of ideas Among all, those that comes to me spontaneously are:

Orchestrate a digraph with goroutine, a concurrent orchestrator

I’ve read a lot about graph theory recently. They have changed the world a lot. From the simple representation to Bayesian network via Markov chains, the applications are numerous. Today I would like to imagine a graph as a workflow of execution. Every node would be considered as runnable. And every edge would be a dependency. It is an important framework that may be used to as an orchestrator for any model, and of course I am a lot thinkingabout TOSCA