IaaS-like RESTfull API based on microservices

Abstracts Recently, I’ve been looking at the principles of a middleware layer and especially on how a RESTFULL API could glue different IT services together. I am reading more and more about the “API economy” I’ve also seen this excellent video made by Mat Ryer about how to code an API in GO and why go would be the perfect language to code such a portal. The problem I’m facing is that in the organization I’m working for, the developments are heterogeneous and therefore you can find ruby teams as well as python teams and myself as a go team (That will change in the future anyway) The key point is that I would like my middleware to serve as an entry point to the services provided by the department.

Developping "Google Apps" on my Chromebook

It is a week now that I’m playing with my chromebook. I really enjoy this little internet Terminal. I “geeked” it a little bit and I installed my favorites dev tools eg: The solarized theme for the terminal zsh with Oh-my-zsh tmux (stared with tmux -2 to get 256 colors) git vim a Go compiler The HUGO tool to write this blog. All of it has been installed thanks to the “brew” package manager and following those instructions.

Simple polling, a cloud native app - part 1

In this series of posts I’ll explain how to setup a simple polling app, the cloud way. This app, written in go, will be hosted on a PAAS, and I’ve chosen the Google App Engine for convenience. I will not explain in this post how to setup the Development environment as it is described here A word about the Hosting Google Apps Engine is a cloud service aim to host applications without worrying about scalability, and technical architecture of the hosting environement.